Geographe Bay – Busselton, Capel, Dunsborough, Quindalup, Vasse, Yallingup.
Western ringtail & brushtail possums, native birds, long neck turtles
- Volunteer Resources
- …
- Volunteer Resources

Geographe Bay – Busselton, Capel, Dunsborough, Quindalup, Vasse, Yallingup.
Western ringtail & brushtail possums, native birds, long neck turtles
- Volunteer Resources
- …
- Volunteer Resources

Wildlife Emergency
If you come across sick, injured or abandoned native wildlife please call either
Geo Bay Wildlife Rescue on 0488 721 424 or
Wildcare Helpline on 08 9474 9055
What to Do
If you have found injured, sick or orphaned wildlife, the following tips may assist you. If you do not feel confident then call us on 0488721424.
Your safety comes first! Is whatever action you intend to take able to be done in a safe manner or is there heavy traffic, difficulty in accessing or potentially dangerous for you? Certain situations and wildlife are best left to experienced people, this includes snakes and bats.
If you do feel confident to handle the animal and you have determined it is safe to do so:
- Remove any threat to the animal for example dogs and cats should be locked up until the rescue is complete. Be mindful of crows also.
- Place a towel at the bottom of a box that can fit the animal comfortably, provide a warm, quiet, secure and dark environment with access to fresh air.
- For most wildlife, human contact, regardless of the intent, is likely to cause stress, and can be fatal in the sick and injured.
- In order to minimise stress, catch the animal by using a towel or sheet to throw over it over it making sure to cover its eyes and head to reduce stress as most animals quieten significantly once head is covered and movement is restricted.
- Be careful when approaching the animal to avoid sharp teeth, beaks, claws etc.
- With smaller animals you may be able to pick them up wearing thick gloves.
- Put the animal inside the box and close it.
- Place a towel over the box so that animals cannot see out of it.
Make sure you record notes about exactly where you found the animal as this will need to be provided to the vet or rehabilitator so the animal can be returned once it is ready to be released.
- Take any injured wildlife to a local vet who will assess, treat the animal then ensure it is placed with a registered wildlife rehabilitator.
- If your safety permits, check possum, kangaroo, bandicoot and other marsupial carcasses for a pouch and potential babies. These carcasses are often on the side of the road, so please be very mindful of passing traffic. If possible, drag the carcass away from the road before you check the pouch.
- If you come across a large animal such as a kangaroo that needs to be euthanised, please call the Wildcare Helpline on 08 9474 9055. If you cannot reach them, call your local police station.